The spring is a wonderful time in Chicago. The snow melts. Bicyclists and motorcyclists start to venture out for fresh air. Homeowners get to work preparing their yards for the warmer months. What many people don’t realize is that yard preparation can be dangerous for...
How to reduce chances of blind spot accidents
by EKHLawAdmin | Feb 24, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
As a motorist, you need to know that all vehicles have blind spots. It means that whenever you are on the road, there are moments when a driver is completely unaware of whatever is around them, and they might not react in time to prevent an accident. So, how do you...
What Is the Nocebo Effect In Car Accident-Related Concussions?
by EKHLawAdmin | Feb 23, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
If you haven’t heard of the nocebo effect, you’re not alone. It’s a relatively new term that doctors are using to refer to negative connotations about concussion treatment and how those may slow down recovery. With the nocebo effect, recovery is impacted by the...
Safety tips for biking in the city
by EKHLawAdmin | Feb 10, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Bikes are a common means of transportation in Chicago, but riding in the city is very different than riding on the open roads of the country. The city is very congested, and there's a lot of traffic to contest with, not to mention tourists and other pedestrians who...
Where does Chicago rank as a congested city?
by EKHLawAdmin | Jan 27, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Traffic congestion in the city can mean that people have to spend much more time during their commute than they would on relatively open roads. You could spend hours just traveling a few miles if the cars around you are barely moving. There are a lot of things that...
Pedestrians can get injured even at low speeds
by EKHLawAdmin | Jan 12, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
When you're walking through Chicago, there's a lot of traffic around you, and you are probably well aware of the fact that you could be struck by a vehicle. The one thing that gives you some solace is that most of the cars are moving at a relatively slow speed. This...
How much is an ambulance ride in Chicago?
by EKHLawAdmin | Dec 28, 2021 | Personal Injury
Picture this: You are injured in an accident and require an ambulance to whisk you to the hospital. Time is of the essence, and if you do not get there in minutes, you might die, or your injuries might advance beyond the point where doctors can prevent permanent...
Are car accident-related concussions more serious for women?
by EKHLawAdmin | Dec 21, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Concussions are serious injuries that occur when the brain is damaged (usually due to an impact). Concussions can affect both men and women, but a study from 2021 found that women may be at an increased risk of having lasting mental and physical symptoms after one....
Can activity actually help concussions?
by EKHLawAdmin | Dec 14, 2021 | Personal Injury
If you bang your head in a vehicle accident, you might suffer a concussion, among other injuries. Most people have suffered from this at some point, and it is common among children, as they often fall and bang their head – be it on the sports field, trying a new...
Safety on the roadways this holiday season
by EKHLawAdmin | Nov 30, 2021 | Motor Vehicle Accidents
Many festivities around the winter holiday season include alcoholic beverages. While many adults are responsible and don’t consume those if they have to drive, there are others who think they can still safely operate a vehicle. As the holiday season continues, it’s...